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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 268-279, 20240220. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532620


Introducción. En Colombia, solo un 24 % de los pacientes en lista recibieron un trasplante renal, la mayoría de donante cadavérico. Para la asignación de órganos se considera el HLA A-B-DR, pero la evidencia reciente sugiere que el HLA A-B no está asociado con los desenlaces del trasplante. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relevancia del HLA A-B-DR en la sobrevida del injerto de los receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó pacientes trasplantados renales con donante cadavérico en Colombiana de Trasplantes, desde 2008 a 2023. Se aplicó un propensity score matching (PSM) para ajustar las covariables en grupos de comparación por compatibilidad y se evaluó la relación del HLA A-B-DR con la sobrevida del injerto renal por medio de la prueba de log rank y la regresión de Cox. Resultados. Se identificaron 1337 pacientes transplantados renales, de los cuales fueron mujeres un 38,7 %, con mediana de edad de 47 años y de índice de masa corporal de 23,8 kg/m2. Tras ajustar por PSM las covariables para los grupos de comparación, la compatibilidad del HLA A-B no se relacionó significativamente con la pérdida del injerto, con HR de 0,99 (IC95% 0,71-1,37) para HLA A y 0,75 (IC95% 0,55-1,02) para HLA B. Solo la compatibilidad por HLA DR fue significativa para pérdida del injerto con un HR de 0,67 (IC95% 0,46-0,98). Conclusión. Este estudio sugiere que la compatibilidad del HLA A-B no influye significativamente en la pérdida del injerto, mientras que la compatibilidad del HLA DR sí mejora la sobrevida del injerto en trasplante renal con donante cadavérico

Introduction. In Colombia, only 24% of patients on the waiting list received a renal transplant, most of them from cadaveric donors. HLA A-B-DR is considered for organ allocation, but recent evidence suggests that HLA A-B is not associated with transplant outcomes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of HLA A-B-DR on graft survival in kidney transplant recipients. Methods. Retrospective cohort study that included kidney transplant recipients with a cadaveric donor in Colombiana de Trasplantes from 2008 to 2023. A propensity score matching (PSM) was applied to adjust the covariates in comparison groups for compatibility, and the relationship of HLA A-B-DR with kidney graft survival was evaluated using the log rank test and Cox regression. Results. A total of 1337 kidney transplant patients were identified; of those, 38.7% were female, with median age of 47 years, and BMI 23.8 kg/m2. After adjusting the covariates with PSM for the comparison groups, HLA A-B matching was not significantly related to graft loss, with HR of 0.99 (95% CI 0.71-1.37) and 0.75 (95% CI 0.55-1.02), respectively. Only HLA DR matching was significant for graft loss with an HR of 0.67 (95% CI 0.46-0.98). Conclusions. This study suggests that HLA A-B matching does not significantly influence graft loss, whereas HLA DR matching does improve graft survival in renal transplantation with a cadaveric donor.

Humans , Kidney Transplantation , Graft Rejection , HLA Antigens , Survival Analysis , Organ Transplantation , Propensity Score
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 59-68, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab. graf. Mapas
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526715


Introducción. La enfermedad renal crónica es responsable de aproximadamente 2,4 millones de defunciones a nivel mundial. La supervivencia a los cinco años después de iniciar diálisis se encuentra entre un 39 a 60 % dependiendo del país. Objetivo. Describir la situación epidemiológica de los pacientes con diálisis y analizar los factores que influyen en la supervivencia de pacientes a cinco años de iniciar tratamiento sustitutivo renal en El Salvador. Metodología. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de los pacientes incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Diálisis y Trasplante Renal desde enero de 2016 hasta febrero de 2023. El seguimiento se comenzó al inicio de la diálisis, el evento de interés fue la muerte del paciente. Se utilizó el método de Kaplan-Meier para determinar la supervivencia al año y a los cinco años y la regresión de Cox con el modelo de Royston-Parmar para analizar los factores que influyen sobre la supervivencia a los cinco años. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 7088 pacientes, la supervivencia a uno y cinco años fue del 79,5 % (IC 95 %: 78,6-80,5) y 50,6 % (IC 95 %: 49,1-52,1) respectivamente. La regresión de Cox para la edad de inicio de tratamiento resultó en un hazard ratio de 1,02 (IC 95 %: 1,01-1,02), mientras que para el oficio de ser agricultor el hazard ratio fue 1,1 (IC 95 %: 1,01-1,18) y para la etiología hipertensiva el hazard ratio fue de 0,7 (IC 95 %: 0,64-0,78). Conclusión. La edad de inicio de tratamiento y el ser agricultor están asociados con una menor supervivencia a cinco años en pacientes con diálisis

Introduction. The chronic kidney disease is responsible for approximately 2.4 million deaths worldwide, in El Salvador during 2019 death rate was 72.9 for 100 000 habitants, five year survival in patients after starting dialysis was between 39 and 60 % depending on the country. Objective. Analyze the factors that influence the five years survival in patients after starting renal replacement therapy in El Salvador. Methodology. It is a retrospective cohort study from patients included in dialysis and renal replacement therapy national registry from January 2016 to February 2023, the start point for the following was the initiation of dialysis, the event of interest was patient ́s death, the Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine one year and five year survival; and Cox regression with Royston-Parmar model was used to analyze the factors that influence survival. Results. The study included 7088 patients, one and five-years survival was 79.5 % (CI 95 %: 78.6-80.5) and 50.6 % (CI 95 %: 49.1-52.1) respectively. The Cox regression for age of treatment initiation resulted in a hazard ratio of 1.02 (CI 95 %: 1.01-1.02), while for farmers, the hazard ratio was 1.09 (CI 95 %: 1.00-1.18), for hypertensive etiology the hazard ratio was 0.7 (CI 95 %: 0.64-0.78). Conclusion. Data suggest that age of treatment initiation, and jobs related to agriculture were associated with less five year survival in dialysis patients.

Renal Insufficiency , El Salvador
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(1): e20220179, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521671


ABSTRACT Introduction: According to recent data, thoracic aortic surgery has reduced morbidity and mortality including ascending aortic aneurysm treatment; however, women are at increased postoperative risk of adverse outcomes. Objective: Our aim was to evaluate early and late outcomes in male and female patients who underwent pre-emptive ascending aortic replacement (AAR). Methods: From January 2013 to September 2021, 91 patients (56 [61.5%] men and 35 [38.5%] women) underwent AAR for small (ranged from 5.0 to 5.5 cm) non-syndromic aneurysms. A propensity score-based adjustment of the groups was performed. We compared clinical outcomes between males and females. Results: Preoperative normalized aortic diameters were significantly larger in females (2.9 [2.7; 3.2] cm/m2) than in males (2.5 [2.3; 2.6] cm/m2, P<0.001), without differences in absolute values (51 [49; 53] mm vs. 52 [50; 53] mm, P=0.356). There were no significant differences in neurological, cardiac, pulmonary, and renal complications in both groups before and after matching. In-hospital mortality was 1 (1.8%) and 2 (5.7%) (P=0.307) in male and female patients in unmatched groups and 1 (2.9%) and 2 (5.7%) (P=0.553) in matched groups, respectively. Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the only risk factor for in-hospital mortality was age (odds ratio 1.117, 95% confidence interval 1.003-1.244; P=0.04). The overall survival rate was 83.5±0.06% in men and 94.3±0.04% in women at 36 months (P=0.404). Conclusion: Ascending aortic surgery for aneurysms ranged from 5.0 to 5.5 cm seems to have tolerable early and late outcomes in men and women.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240012, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550763


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the association between sociodemographic factors and the time until the occurrence of new cases of COVID-19 and positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil, during the period from May to November 2020, based on a cohort of Brazilians participating in the COVID-19 National Household Sample Survey. Methods: A concurrent and closed cohort was created using monthly data from the PNAD COVID-19, carried out via telephone survey. A new case was defined based on the report of the occurrence of a flu-like syndrome, associated with loss of smell or taste; and positivity was defined based on the report of a positive test, among those who reported having been tested. Cox regression models were applied to verify associations. The analyzes took into account sample weighting, calibrated for age, gender and education distribution. Results: The cumulative incidence of cases in the overall fixed cohort was 2.4%, while that of positive tests in the fixed tested cohort was 27.1%. Higher incidences were observed in the North region, in females, in residents of urban areas and in individuals with black skin color. New positive tests occurred more frequently in individuals with less education and healthcare workers. Conclusion: The importance of prospective national surveys is highlighted, contributing to detailed analyzes of social inequalities in reports focused on public health policies.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre fatores sociodemográficos e o tempo até a ocorrência de novos casos de COVID-19 e de testes positivos para Sars-CoV-2 no Brasil, durante o período de maio a novembro de 2020, com base em uma coorte dos brasileiros participantes da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios COVID-19. Métodos: Foi constituída uma coorte concorrente e fechada utilizando dados mensais da Pnad COVID-19, realizada por inquérito telefônico. Um caso novo foi definido com base no relato da ocorrência de um quadro de síndrome gripal, associado à perda de olfato ou paladar; e a positividade foi definida com base no relato de um teste positivo, entre os que referiram ter sido testados. Foram aplicados modelos de regressão de Cox para verificar associações, considerando a ponderação amostral, calibrada para a distribuição etária, de sexos e de escolaridade. Resultados: A incidência acumulada de casos na coorte fixa geral foi de 2,4%, enquanto a de testes positivos na coorte fixa testada foi de 27,1%. Verificou-se maiores riscos nas regiões Centro-Oeste, Norte e Nordeste, entre mulheres, residentes em áreas urbanas, pessoas com escolaridade até o ensino médio, com a cor da pele declarada como preta e trabalhadores da área da saúde. Indivíduos com menor escolaridade e profissionais de saúde apresentaram maior frequência de novos testes positivos. Novos testes positivos ocorreram com maior frequência em indivíduos com menor escolaridade e trabalhadores da área da saúde. Conclusão: Foram observados riscos desiguais entre os estratos populacionais comparados. Destaca-se a importância da realização de inquéritos nacionais prospectivos na investigação de iniquidades em saúde.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(12): e20230441, dez. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533716


Resumo Fundamento O SHARPEN foi o primeiro escore desenvolvido especificamente para a predição de mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes com endocardite infecciosa (EI), independentemente da realização de cirurgia cardíaca. Objetivos Analisar a capacidade do escore SHARPEN na predição de mortalidade hospitalar e mortalidade após a alta e compará-la à do Índice de Comorbidade de Charlson (ICC). Métodos Estudo retrospectivo do tipo coorte incluindo internações por EI (segundo os critérios de Duke modificados) entre 2000 e 2016. A área sob a curva ROC (AUC-ROC) foi calculada para avaliar a capacidade preditiva. Curvas de Kaplan-Meier e regressão de Cox foram realizadas. Um valor de p < 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados Estudamos 179 internações hospitalares. A mortalidade hospitalar foi 22,3%; 68 (38,0%) foram submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. Os escores SHARPEN e ICC (mediana e intervalo interquartil) foram, respectivamente, 9(7-11) e 3(2-6). O escore SHARPEN mostrou melhor predição de mortalidade hospitalar em comparação ao ICC nos pacientes não operados (AUC-ROC 0,77 vs. 0,62, p = 0,003); não foi observada diferença no grupo total (p=0,26) ou nos pacientes operados (p=0,41). Escore SHARPEN >10 na admissão foi associado a uma menor sobrevida hospitalar no grupo total (HR 3,87; p < 0,001), nos pacientes não operados (HR 3,46; p = 0,006) e de pacientes operados (HR 6,86; p < 0,001) patients. ICC > 3 na admissão foi associada a pior sobrevida hospitalar nos grupos total (HR 3,0; p = 0,002), de pacientes operados (HR 5,57; p = 0,005), mas não nos pacientes não operados (HR 2,13; p = 0,119). A sobrevida após a alta foi pior nos pacientes com SHARPEN > 10 (HR 3,11; p < 0,001) e ICC > 3 (HR 2,63; p < 0,001) na internação; contudo, não houve diferença na capacidade preditiva entre esses grupos. Conclusão O SHARPEN escore foi superior ao ICC na predição de mortalidade hospitalar nos pacientes não operados. Não houve diferença entre os escores quanto à mortalidade após a alta.

Abstract Background SHARPEN was the first dedicated score for in-hospital mortality prediction in infective endocarditis (IE) regardless of cardiac surgery. Objectives To analyze the ability of the SHARPEN score to predict in-hospital and post-discharge mortality and compare it with that of the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). Methods Retrospective cohort study including definite IE (Duke modified criteria) admissions from 2000 to 2016. The area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC) was calculated to assess predictive ability. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression was performed. P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results We studied 179 hospital admissions. In-hospital mortality was 22.3%; 68 (38.0%) had cardiac surgery. Median (interquartile range, IQR) SHARPEN and CCI scores were 9(7-11) and 3(2-6), respectively. SHARPEN had better in-hospital mortality prediction than CCI in non-operated patients (AUC-ROC 0.77 vs. 0.62, p = 0.003); there was no difference in overall (p = 0.26) and in operated patients (p = 0.41). SHARPEN > 10 at admission was associated with decreased in-hospital survival in the overall (HR 3.87; p < 0.001), in non-operated (HR 3.46; p = 0.006) and operated (HR 6.86; p < 0.001) patients. CCI > 3 at admission was associated with worse in-hospital survival in the overall (HR 3.0; p = 0.002), and in operated patients (HR 5.57; p = 0.005), but not in non-operated patients (HR 2.13; p = 0.119). Post-discharge survival was worse in patients with SHARPEN > 10 (HR 3.11; p < 0.001) and CCI > 3 (HR 2.63; p < 0.001) at admission; however, there was no difference in predictive ability between these groups. Conclusion SHARPEN was superior to CCI in predicting in-hospital mortality in non-operated patients. There was no difference between the scores regarding post-discharge mortality.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1764-1774, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528797


SUMMARY: Colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) is a prevalent disease worldwide, known for its high mortality and morbidity rates. Despite this, the extent of investigation concerning the correlation between COAD's CLCA1 expression and immune cell infiltration remains insufficient. This study seeks to examine the expression and prognosis of CLCA1 in COAD, along with its relationship to the tumor immune microenvironment. These findings will offer valuable insights for clinical practitioners and contribute to the existing knowledge in the field. In order to evaluate the prognostic significance of CLCA1 in individuals diagnosed with colorectal cancers, we conducted a comprehensive analysis using univariate and multivariate Cox regression models along with receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis. This study was performed on the patient data of COAD obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Nomograms were developed to anticipate CLCA1 prognostic influence. Furthermore, the CLCA1 association with tumor immune infiltration, immune checkpoints, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) response, interaction network, and functional analysis of CLCA1-related genes was analyzed. We found that Colon adenocarcinoma tissues significantly had decreased CLCA1 expression compared to healthy tissues. Furthermore, the study revealed that the group with high expression of CLCA1 demonstrated a significantly higher overall survival rate (OS) as compared to the group with low expression. Multivariate and Univariate Cox regression analysis revealed the potential of CLCA1 as a standalone risk factor for COAD. These results were confirmed using nomograms and ROC curves. In addition, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and functional gene enrichment showed that CLCA1 may be associated with functional activities such as pancreatic secretion, estrogen signaling and cAMP signaling, as well as with specific immune cell infiltration. Therefor, as a new independent predictor and potential biomarker of COAD, CLCA1 plays a crucial role in the advancement of colon cancer.

El adenocarcinoma de colon (COAD) es una enfermedad prevalente a nivel mundial, conocida por sus altas tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad. Sin embargo, el alcance de la investigación sobre la correlación entre la expresión de CLCA1 de COAD y la infiltración de células inmunes sigue siendo insuficiente. Este estudio busca examinar la expresión y el pronóstico de CLCA1 en COAD, junto con su relación con el microambiente inmunológico del tumor. Estos hallazgos ofrecerán conocimientos valiosos para los profesionales clínicos y contribuirán al conocimiento existente en el campo. Para evaluar la importancia de pronóstico de CLCA1 en personas diagnosticadas con cáncer colorrectal, realizamos un análisis exhaustivo utilizando modelos de regresión de Cox univariados y multivariados junto con un análisis de la curva característica operativa del receptor (ROC). Este estudio se realizó con los datos de pacientes de COAD obtenidos de la base de datos The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Se desarrollaron nomogramas para anticipar la influencia pronóstica de CLCA1. Además, se analizó la asociación de CLCA1 con la infiltración inmunitaria tumoral, los puntos de control inmunitarios, la respuesta de bloqueo de los puntos de control inmunitarios (ICB), la red de interacción y el análisis funcional de genes relacionados con CLCA1. Descubrimos que los tejidos de adenocarcinoma de colon tenían una expresión significativamente menor de CLCA1 en comparación con los tejidos sanos. Además, el estudio reveló que el grupo con alta expresión de CLCA1 demostró una tasa de supervivencia general (SG) significativamente mayor en comparación con el grupo con baja expresión. El análisis de regresión de Cox multivariado y univariado reveló el potencial de CLCA1 como factor de riesgo independiente de COAD. Estos resultados se confirmaron mediante nomogramas y curvas ROC. Además, el análisis de la red de interacción proteína- proteína (PPI) y el enriquecimiento de genes funcionales mostraron que CLCA1 puede estar asociado con actividades funcionales como la secreción pancreática, la señalización de estrógenos y la señalización de AMPc, así como con la infiltración de células inmunes específicas. Por lo tanto, como nuevo predictor independiente y biomarcador potencial de COAD, CLCA1 desempeña un papel crucial en el avance del cáncer de colon.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Adenocarcinoma/immunology , Colonic Neoplasms/immunology , Chloride Channels/immunology , Prognosis , Immunohistochemistry , Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Survival Analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Regression Analysis , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Chloride Channels/metabolism , Computational Biology
Radiol. bras ; 56(5): 235-241, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529324


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the degree of tumor necrosis after transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), used as a bridging therapy in patients awaiting liver transplantation, and its effect on survival. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study involving 118 patients submitted to TACE prior to liver transplantation, after which the degree of tumor necrosis in the explant and post-transplant survival were evaluated. Results: Total necrosis of the neoplastic nodule in the explant was observed in 76 patients (64.4%). Of the patients with total necrosis in the explanted liver, 77.8% had presented a complete response on imaging examinations. Drug-eluting bead TACE (DEB-TACE), despite showing a lower rate of complications than conventional TACE, provided a lower degree of total necrosis, although there was no statistical difference between the two. By the end of the study period, 26 of the patients had died. Survival was longer among the patients with total necrosis than among those with partial or no necrosis (HR = 2.24 [95% CI: 0.91-5.53]; p = 0.078). Conclusion: In patients undergoing TACE as a bridging therapy, total tumor necrosis appears to be associated with improved patient survival.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados da necrose tumoral após quimioembolização transarterial (TACE) como terapia ponte e seu reflexo na sobrevida dos pacientes. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, com 118 pacientes que realizaram TACE, em que foram avaliados o grau de necrose tumoral no explante e a sobrevida pós-transplante. Resultados: Necrose total do nódulo neoplásico no explante foi observada em 76 pacientes (64,4%). Observou-se que 77,8% dos pacientes com necrose total no explante hepático tinham apresentado resposta completa nos exames de imagem. A DEB-TACE, apesar de ter demonstrado menor taxa de intercorrências, proporcionou menor grau de necrose total em relação à TACE convencional, a despeito de não haver diferença estatística. Ao final do seguimento do estudo, o número de óbitos foi de 26. A sobrevida foi maior nos pacientes que tiveram necrose total quando comparada com grau de necrose parcial ou ausência de necrose [HR = 2,24 (IC 95%: 0,91-5,53); p = 0,078]. Conclusão: Necrose completa do tumor nos pacientes submetidos a TACE como terapia ponte parece estar associada com melhora da sobrevida.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(2): 227-237, may.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534532


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar factores clínicos y sociodemográficos asociados a la mortalidad en los pacientes internados por pie diabético, en la Unidad de Pie Diabético del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Costa Rica, del año 2017 al 2019. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo con 238 pacientes, seguidos desde su internamiento hasta la muerte o al 31 de diciembre del 2021 aún vivos. Análisis descriptivo a variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y causas de muerte. Modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox para todas las causas de muerte, y otro exclusivo para muerte por causa cardiovascular. Tiempos de supervivencia se analizan por curvas de Kaplan-Meier, con la prueba de log-Rank para comparar curvas. Resultados: Mayoría de los fallecidos eran hombres, no contaban con pareja, residían en zona urbana o predominantemente urbana, de 15 años o más de ser diabéticos, hipertensos, con enfermedad arterial periférica, anemia, hemoglobina glicosilada inadecuada y obesidad. La tasa de mortalidad fue 23,53%, y la principal causa de muerte fue la enfermedad cardiovascular (35,70 %). Las variables asociadas con mortalidad por todas las causas, ajustadas por edad y sexo fueron: ausencia de pareja (HR: 13,09; IC 95 %: 4,04-42,31), obesidad (HR: 2,89; IC 95 %: 1,59-5,27), enfermedad arterial periférica (HR: 2,26; IC 95 %: 1,25-4,09), años de evolución de la diabetes mellitus ≥ 15 años (HR: 1,99; IC 95 %: 1,04-3,82). A su vez, para mortalidad cardiovascular fueron: obesidad (HR: 6,42; IC 95 %: 2,07-19,87), enfermedad arterial periférica (HR: 3,88; IC 95 %: 1,39-10,79) y cardiopatía (HR: 4,11; IC 95 %: 1,62-10,46). Conclusiones: Años de evolución de la diabetes mellitus mayor o igual a 15 años, no contar con pareja; la obesidad y enfermedad arterial periférica se asoció a mortalidad por todas las causas. Respecto a muerte por enfermedad cardiovascular, las variables asociadas fueron obesidad, enfermedad arterial periférica y cardiopatía.

Abstract Objective: To identify clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with mortality in patients hospitalized for diabetic foot, in the Diabetic Foot Unit of the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Costa Rica, from 2017 to 2019. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study with 238 patients, followed from hospitalization until death or until December 31, 2021, still alive. A descriptive analysis is made of the sociodemographic, clinical, and cause of death variables. A Cox proportional hazards model is run for all causes of death, and another exclusively for death from cardiovascular causes. Survival times are analyzed using Kaplan-Meier curves, with the log-rank test for comparison. Results: Most of the deceased were men, did not have a partner, lived in urban or predominantly urban areas, were 15 years or older, diabetic, hypertensive, with peripheral arterial disease, anemia, inadequate glycosylated hemoglobin, and obesity. The mortality rate was 23,53%, and cardiovascular disease was the main cause of death (35,70%). The variables associated with all-cause mortality, adjusted for age and sex were: absence of a partner (HR: 13,09; 95% CI: 4,04-42,31), obesity (HR: 2,89; 95% CI %: 1,59-5,27), peripheral arterial disease (HR: 2,26; CI 95%: 1,25-4,09), years of evolution of diabetes mellitus ≥ 15 years (HR: 1,99; CI 95 %: 1,04-3,82). In turn, for cardiovascular mortality were: obesity (HR: 6,42; 95% CI: 2,07-19,87), peripheral arterial disease (HR: 3,88; 95% CI: 1,39-10,79) and heart disease (HR: 4,11; 95% CI: 1,62-10,46). Conclusions: Evolution of diabetes mellitus greater than or equal to 15 years, not having a partner, obesity and peripheral arterial disease were associated with all-cause mortality. Regarding death from cardiovascular disease, the associated variables were obesity, peripheral arterial disease, and heart disease.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 60(7): 531-536
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225434


Objectives: Using data from a hospital-based cancer registry (HBCR) in the private sector in Northern India, we provide overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) for childhood cancer patients. Methods: All newly diagnosed childhood (age <18 years) cancer patients in our HBCR registered between March 1, 2013 till July 31, 2021 were eligible. 3-year and 5-year OS (death was an event), EFSc (death, progression/relapse was an event), and EFSa (death, progression/relapse, abandonment of treatment was an event) were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Regression analysis was done to see their association with demographic, diagnostic and treatment variables. Results: 705 newly diagnosed children (36.2% female) with cancer were registered. Common cancers were leukemias (26%), CNS tumors (20%) and bone tumors (16%). 202 (28.6%) had experienced an event at median follow up of 1.95 years (range 0-8.14 years), which included 23 (3.3%) who abandoned treatment. The 3- year OS, EFSc, EFSa were 70.8%, 64.4% and 63.6%, respectively. Correspondingly, 5-year OS, EFSc, EFSa were 66%, 58.6% and 57.5%, respectively. There was no significant difference by age group, gender, nationality, and if cancer directed treatment initiated elsewhere. The OS, EFSa and EFSc by the main and the extended International Childhood Cancer Classification categories varied significantly (P<0.001). Conclusion: We add more recent registry-based OS data on childhood cancer in India and present the first estimates on EFS.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 468-473, Mayo 8, 2023. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438424


Introducción. El tratamiento oncológico perioperatorio en pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado está indicado; aun así, no siempre es posible. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la supervivencia de los pacientes según la administración de quimioterapia perioperatoria. Métodos. Estudio observacional, tipo cohorte ambispectivo, incluyendo pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado quienes recibieron o no quimioterapia perioperatoria. Resultados. Se incluyeron 33 pacientes, 90,9 % pertenecían al régimen subsidiado de salud y el 78,8 % en estadio T4. El grupo que recibió quimioterapia perioperatoria, que solo tuvo 5 pacientes (15,1 %), presentó mayor supervivencia global a 2 años (100 %), seguido del grupo de quimioterapia postoperatoria (58,8 %) y del grupo sin quimioterapia, que alcanzó una supervivencia global a 2 años de 54,5 %. Discusión. La supervivencia global fue mayor en el grupo de quimioterapia perioperatoria, consonante a lo descrito a nivel internacional, aunque los pacientes se encontraban en un estadío localmente más avanzado, la mayoría con T4 y N+ según AJCC VIII edición. Conclusiones. El estadío clínico es un factor pronóstico importante y, en nuestro medio, la mayoría de los pacientes consultan en estadíos localmente más avanzados. A eso se suman las dificultades en el acceso a la atención en salud. Aun así, la quimioterapia perioperatoria mostró una supervivencia mayor en pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado

Introduction. Perioperative cancer treatment in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer is indicated; even so, it is not always possible. The objective was to evaluate survival according to time and receipt of perioperative chemotherapy. Methods. Observational study, ambispective cohort type, including patients with locally advanced gastric cancer who received or did not receive perioperative chemotherapy. Results. Thirty-three patients were included, 90.9% belonged to the subsidized regimen and 78.8% with TNM T4. The perioperative chemotherapy group, which only had five patients (15.1%), had a higher overall survival at 2 years (100%), followed by the postoperative chemotherapy group and by the group without chemotherapy, with an overall survival at 2 years of 58.8% and 54.5%, respectively. Discussion. Overall survival was higher in the perioperative chemotherapy group, consistent with what has been described internationally, although the patients were in a more advanced stage, most being with T4 and N+ according to the AJCC VIII edition. Conclusions. The clinical stage is an important prognostic factor and in our environment, most patients consult in more advanced stages, coupled with difficulties in accessing health care. Even so, perioperative chemotherapy showed a longer survival in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer, the data should not be extrapolated since the number of patients in each group is significantly different

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms , Survival Analysis , Prognosis , Mortality , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant
Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Mar; 60(1): 127-133
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221766


Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) presents with inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombus in 10%�% cases and surgical management forms the mainstay of the treatment. The objective of this study is to assess the outcomes of the patients undergoing radical nephrectomy with IVC thrombectomy. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients undergoing open radical nephrectomy with IVC thrombectomy between 2006 till 2018 was done. Results: A total of 56 patients were included. The mean (眘tandard deviation) age was 57.1 (�.2) years. The number of patients with levels I, II, III, and IV thrombus were 4, 29,10, and 13, respectively. The mean blood loss was 1851.8 mL, and the mean operative time was 303.3 minutes. Overall, the complication rate was 51.7%, while the perioperative mortality rate was 8.9%. The mean duration of hospital stay was 10.6 � 6.4 days. The majority of the patients had clear cell carcinoma (87.5%). There was a significant association between grade and stage of thrombus (P = 0.011). Using Kaplan朚eier survival analysis, the median overall survival (OS) was 75 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 43.5�6.5) months, and the median recurrence-free survival (RFS) was 48 (95% CI = 33.1�.3) months. Age (P = 0.03), presence of systemic symptoms (P = 0.01), radiological size (P = 0.04), histopathological grade (P = 0.01), level of thrombus (P = 0.04), and invasion of thrombus into IVC wall (P = 0.01) were found to be significant predictors of OS. Conclusion: The management of RCC with IVC thrombus poses a major surgical challenge. Experience of a center along with high-volume and multidisciplinary facility particularly cardiothoracic facility provides better perioperative outcome. Though surgically challenging, it offers good overall-survival and recurrence-free survival

Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(1): 32-41, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515419


BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCAB) as an alternative to the traditional Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) technique with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are not well defined. AIM: To compare 10-year survival of isolated OPCAB versus CABG with CPB. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of information obtained from databases, clinical records and surgical protocols of patients treated with isolated CABG between January 2006 and November 2008 at a Regional Hospital. Of 658 isolated CABG, 192 (29.2%) were OPCAB and 466 (79.9%) CPB. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was performed to compare both groups. After PSM, two groups of 192 cases were obtained. Mortality data was obtained from the Chilean public identification service. Ten-year survival was calculated and compared with Kaplan-Meier and log-rank methods. RESULTS: Follow-up data was obtained in all cases. No statistically significant differences were found when comparing 10-year survival between OPCAB versus CPB (78.6% and 80.2% respectively, p 0.720). There was also no statistical difference in cardiovascular death free survival (90.1% with CPB versus 89.1% OPCAB, p 0.737). Survival was comparable when analyzing subgroups with diabetes mellitus, left ventricular dysfunction or chronic kidney disease, among others. CONCLUSIONS: In our series, OPBAB has a comparable 10-year survival with CABG with CPB.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Coronary Artery Bypass, Off-Pump/adverse effects , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Survival Analysis , Chile/epidemiology , Coronary Artery Bypass , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Propensity Score
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 17(1): 78-97, 20230101.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411878


La leucemia linfoblástica aguda constituye la neoplasia infantil más frecuente. Los tratamientos actuales posibilitan más del 80% de supervivencia libre de enfermedad por cinco años. En el 2000, se probó un protocolo de quimioterapia llamado leucemia linfoblástica intercontinental Berlín-Frankfurt-Münster (ALLIC BFM). El proceso investigativo se realizó mediante la metodología PRISMA, con el propósito de sistematizar la información acerca de la supervivencia de los pacientes pediátricos con leucemia linfoblástica aguda tratados con el uso del protocolo de quimioterapia ALLIC BFM en sus versiones de 2002 o 2009. La supervivencia global en pacientes donde se utilizó el protocolo de 2002 fue del 52% al 91,7% y la libre de enfermedad fue del 45% a 83,3%; mientras que, con el uso del protocolo 2009 se reportó una supervivencia global del 71,1% al 90% y la libre de enfermedad fue del 69,4% al 90,3%. Los principales factores que afectaron la supervivencia fueron las complicaciones relacionadas con el tratamiento, los pacientes de alto riesgo y la medicación insuficiente.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common childhood neoplasia. Current treatments allow more than 80% disease-free survival for five years. In 2000, a chemotherapy protocol called Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster intercontinental lymphoblastic leukemia (ALLIC BFM) was tested. The investigative process was carried out using the PRISMA methodology. This study aimed to systematize the information about the survival of pediatric patients with acute lympho-blastic leukemia treated with the ALLIC BFM chemotherapy protocol in its 2002 or 2009 versions. 52% to 91.7% of patients showed an overall survival in patients where the 2002 proto-col was used, and disease-free was from 45% to 83.3%; while, with the use of the 2009 protocol, an overall survival of 71.1% to 90% was reported, and disease-free survival was 69.4% to 90.3%. The main factors affecting survival were treatment-related complications, high-risk patients, and insufficient medication.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Population , Survival , Leukemia , Patients , Therapeutics , Drug Therapy
ABCD arq. bras. cir. dig ; 36: e1790, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533306


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Patients with clinical stage IV gastric cancer may require palliative procedures to manage complications such as obstruction. However, there is no consensus on whether performing palliative gastrectomy compared to gastric bypass brings benefits in terms of survival. AIMS: To compare the overall survival of patients with distal obstructive gastric cancer undergoing palliative surgical treatment, using propensity score matching analysis. METHODS: Patients who underwent palliative bypass surgery (gastrojejunostomy or partitioning) and resection between the years 2009 and 2023 were retrospectively selected. Initial and postoperative clinicopathological variables were collected. RESULTS: 150 patients were initially included. The derived group (n=91) presented more locally invasive disease (p<0.01), greater degree of obstruction (p<0.01), and worse clinical status (p<0.01), while the resected ones (n= 59) presented more distant metastasis (p<0.01). After matching, 35 patients remained in each group. There was no difference in the incidence of postoperative complications, but the derived group had higher 90-day mortality (p<0.01). Overall survival was 16.9 and 4.5 months for the resected and derived groups, respectively (p<0.01). After multivariate analysis, hypoalbuminemia (hazard ratio — HR=2.02, 95% confidence interval — 95%CI 1.17-3.48; p=0.01), absence of adjuvant chemotherapy (HR=5.97; 95%CI 3.03-11.7; p<0.01), and gastric bypass (HR=3,28; 95%CI 1.8-5.95; p<0.01) were associated with worse survival. CONCLUSIONS: Palliative gastrectomy was associated with greater survival and lower postoperative morbidity compared to gastric bypass. This may be due to better local control of the disease, with lower risks of complications and better effectiveness of chemotherapy.

RESUMO RACIONAL: Pacientes com câncer gástrico estádio clínico IV podem necessitar de procedimentos paliativos para o manejo de complicações como a obstrução. Contudo, não há consenso se a realização de gastrectomia paliativa em comparação à derivação gástrica traz benefícios em termos de sobrevida. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a sobrevida global de pacientes com câncer gástrico obstrutivo distal submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico paliativo, empregando a análise com pareamento por escore de propensão. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados retrospectivamente pacientes submetidos à cirurgia paliativa de derivação (gastrojejunostomia ou partição) e ressecção entre os anos de 2009 e 2023. Variáveis clínico-patológicas iniciais e pós-operatórias foram coletadas. RESULTADOS: Foram inicialmente incluídos 150 pacientes. O grupo derivado (n=91) apresentou mais doença localmente invasiva (p<0,01), maior garu de obstrução (p<0,01) e pior status clínico (p<0,01), enquanto os gastrectomizados (n=59) mais metástase à distância (p<0,01). Após o pareamento, restaram 35 pacientes em cada grupo. Não houve diferença na incidência de complicações pós-operatórias, mas o grupo derivado apresentou maior mortalidade em 90 dias (p<0,01). A sobrevida global foi de 16,9 e 4,5 meses para o grupo ressecado e derivado, respectivamente (p<0,01). Após análise multivariada, hipoalbuminemia (HR=2,02; IC95% 1,17-3,48; p=0,01), ausência de quimioterapia adjuvante (HR=5,97; IC95% 3,03-11,7; p<0,01) e bypass gástrico (HR =3,28; IC95% 1,8-5,95; p<0,01) foram associados a pior sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: A gastrectomia paliativa esteve associada a maior sobrevida e menor morbidade pós-operatória quando comparada à derivação gástrica. Isto pode se dever a um melhor controle local da doença, com menores riscos de complicações e melhor efetividade da quimioterapia.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(3): e2022-0285, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449367


Resumo Este artigo tem como objeto de análise a implantação da Lei Complementar nº 123, de 2006 (LC nº 123/2006), que instituiu o Estatuto Nacional da Microempresa e da Empresa de Pequeno Porte (MPE), por municípios paulistas. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico de difusão de políticas públicas tendo como objetivo estudar seu processo de adoção, observando os diferentes contextos e momentos de coerção previstos na legislação federal. Com base nas discussões teóricas relacionadas com o mecanismo de difusão chamado de coerção, respondeu-se a seguinte pergunta: qual é a influência do mecanismo de coerção vertical na difusão da Lei Geral da MPE nos municípios paulistas? A técnica "análise de sobrevivência" foi aplicada para identificar fatores explicativos da difusão da política, considerando variáveis de desenho institucional, políticas e partidárias, efeito vizinhança, necessidade da política, organizações/atores sociais e fatores estruturais. Os resultados demonstram que, conforme varia o desenho institucional de coerção, mudam os fatores explicativos da difusão dessa política na ponta, de modo que os aspectos locais, incluindo atores sociais, fatores regionais e questões estruturais, importam para a difusão, variando conforme o contexto coercitivo.

Resumen Este artículo analiza la implementación de la Ley General de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas por parte de los municipios de São Paulo. Se utilizó la teoría de la difusión de políticas, con el objetivo de estudiar el proceso de adopción de esta política pública, observando los diferentes contextos y momentos de coerción previstos en la legislación federal. A partir de las discusiones teóricas relacionadas con el mecanismo de difusión denominado coerción, se respondió a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la influencia del mecanismo de coacción vertical en la difusión de la mencionada ley en los municipios de São Paulo? Se aplicó la técnica de análisis de supervivencia para identificar factores explicativos de la difusión de políticas, considerando variables institucionales, políticas y partidarias, efecto barrio, necesidad de políticas, organizaciones/actores sociales y factores estructurales. Los resultados muestran que a medida que varía el diseño institucional de coerción, los factores explicativos de la difusión de esta política al final cambian, de modo que los aspectos locales, incluidos los actores sociales, los factores regionales y los problemas estructurales importan para la difusión, variando de acuerdo con el contexto coercitivo.

Abstract This article analyzes the implementation of the General Law for Micro and Small Business by municipalities in São Paulo. The theory of policy diffusion was used to study the process of adopting this public policy in the different contexts of coercion. The article presents theoretical discussions on the diffusion mechanism "coercion" and answers the question: what is the influence of the vertical coercion mechanism in the diffusion of the General Law in the municipalities of São Paulo? The survival analysis technique was applied to identify explanatory factors of policy diffusion, considering institutional, political, and party design variables, neighborhood effect, internal needs, organizations/social actors, and structural factors. The results show that as the institutional rules of coercion vary, the explanatory factors of the diffusion change so that local aspects, including social actors, regional factors, and structural issues, matter for the diffusion, varying according to the coercive context.

Survival Analysis , Cities , Coercion , Diffusion of Innovation , Small Business
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 26: e230045, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515049


ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize associated factors and overall survival of women with metastatic breast cancer treated with trastuzumab after its incorporation into the SUS, and additionally to present the direct costs of this technology. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort, based on data from computerized medical records from one of the units of the National Cancer Institute (INCA), in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil. Women with HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer undergoing trastuzumab treatment from September 2017 to August 2018 were included. Overall survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared between groups using the log-rank test. Results: 136 women were selected, whose median age at diagnosis was 51 years (range: 21-81 years). The median OS was 43.63 months (95%CI 33.92-53.34). It is observed that the median OS for the population already diagnosed with metastatic disease (stage IV) was significantly lower than for patients diagnosed in stages I-III (37.43 months vs. 48.6 months, p<0, 01). Women without previous use of trastuzumab had a higher median OS than patients pretreated with trastuzumab (45.16 months vs. 40.73 months, p<0.01). Conclusion: Trastuzumab improves survival in HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer. Brain and multiple metastases are associated with a worse prognosis. It is essential to avoid advanced staging and perform surgical treatment, with emphasis on radical mastectomy. The SUS must adopt policies and strategies for early diagnosis and guarantee access to trastuzumab, considering its high cost.

RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar fatores associados e sobrevida global de mulheres com câncer de mama metastático tratadas com trastuzumabe, após sua incorporação ao Sistema Único de Saúde, e apresentar os custos diretos dessa tecnologia. Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva, baseada em dados de prontuários do Instituto Nacional do Câncer, no Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Foram incluídas mulheres com câncer de mama metastático HER-2 positivo em tratamento com trastuzumabe no período de setembro de 2017 a agosto de 2018. A sobrevida global foi estimada pelo método Kaplan-Meier e comparada entre grupos pelo teste de log-rank. Resultados: Foram selecionadas 136 mulheres, cuja mediana da idade do diagnóstico foi de 51 anos (amplitude: 21-81 anos). A mediana da sobrevida global foi de 43,63 meses (IC95% 33,92-53,34). Observa-se que a mediana da sobrevida global para a população já diagnosticada com doença metastática (estádio IV) foi significativamente menor do que para as pacientes diagnosticadas nos estádios I-III (37,43 meses vs. 48,6 meses, p<0,01). Já mulheres sem uso prévio de trastuzumabe apresentaram uma mediana de sobrevida global maior do que as pacientes pré-tratadas com trastuzumabe (45,16 meses vs. 40,73 meses, p<0,01). Conclusão: O trastuzumabe aumentou a sobrevida no câncer de mama metastático HER-2 positivo. Metástases cerebrais e múltiplas mostraram-se associadas a um pior prognóstico. É fundamental evitar o estadiamento avançado e realizar tratamento cirúrgico, destacando-se a mastectomia radical. O Sistema Único de Saúde deve adotar políticas e estratégias para o diagnóstico precoce e garantir acesso ao trastuzumabe, considerando seu alto custo.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515275


Introducción: La fibrosis quística ha dejado de ser una enfermedad pediátrica para ser una enfermedad crónica del adulto. Existen múltiples factores que condicionan la supervivencia de estos enfermos. Objetivo: Determinar la sobrevida de pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística hospitalizados en un centro especializado. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de cohorte cuyo universo lo conformaron 27 pacientes incluidos en el Registro Provincial de Fibrosis Quística de Granma, 2003-2018. Se analizaron variables: edad actual y sexo, variante genética, presencia de gérmenes, formas clínicas, y supervivencia a partir del diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se utilizó el método de Kaplan-Meier y Log-Rank Test, para un nivel de significación de 95 %. Resultados: El 40,7 % de los pacientes declaró tener actualmente más de 15 años, predominó el sexo masculino (63 %), y la mutación F508del en su variante genética heterocigótica (44,4 %). El promedio de supervivencia resultó en 21,4 años, no existieron diferencias significativas según sexo, formas clínicas y tipos de gérmenes. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con fibrosis quística en Granma, Cuba mostraron un promedio de supervivencia de 21,4 años, inferior a lo documentado en países desarrollados. El Estado cubano garantiza recursos para la atención de estos pacientes, a pesar de las dificultades económicas del país.

Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is no longer a pediatric disease but a chronic adult disease. There are multiple factors that condition the survival of these patients. Objective: To determine the survival of pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis hospitalized in a specialized center. Methods: Retrospective cohort study whose universe consisted of 27 patients included in the Granma provincial cystic fibrosis registry, 2003-2018. Variables were analyzed: current age and gender, genetic variant, presence of germs, clinical forms and survival after diagnosis and treatment. The Kaplan-Meier method and Log-Rank Test were used, for a significance level of 95%. Results: 40.7% of patients are currently over 15 years of age, male sex predominates (63%) and the F508del mutation in its heterozygous genetic variant (44.4%). The average survival is 21.4 years, there were no significant differences according to gender, clinical forms and types of germs. Conclusions: The average survival rate of patients with cystic fibrosis in Granma, Cuba, is 21.4 years, lower than that documented in developed countries. The Cuban State guarantees resources for the care of these patients, despite the country's economic difficulties.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 26: e230050, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521749


ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the impact of sociodemographic factors on survival from COVID-19 in Brazil. Methods: Longitudinal data from a retrospective cohort of 2,000,000 hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in Brazil between March 2020 and May 2022, enrolled in SIVEP-Gripe, were analyzed. Results: The adjusted Cox model showed a 7% higher probability of death for men. 9% and 13% for the brown population compared to white and 16% for those living in the rural region. Long-lived elderly has a 301% higher probability when compared to young people. Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors interfere with survival from COVID-19 and should gain prominence in theoretical models and clinical aspects, and should be considered when formulating public policies, especially in countries with greater social inequality, such as Brazil.

RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar o impacto dos fatores sociodemográficos para a sobrevida por COVID-19 no Brasil. Métodos: Foram analisados dados longitudinais de coorte retrospectiva de 2 milhões de internações por COVID-19 no Brasil entre março de 2020 e maio de 2022, arrolados no SIVEP Gripe. Resultados: O modelo ajustado de Cox mostrou probabilidade 7% maior de morte para os homens, 9 e 13% para a população parda em comparação à branca e 16% para aqueles que vivem na região rural. O idoso longevo tem probabilidade 301% maior quando comparado aos jovens. Conclusão: Os fatores sociodemográficos interferem na sobrevida pela COVID-19 e devem ganhar destaque nos modelos teóricos tais quais os aspectos clínicos, bem como ser considerados para formular políticas públicas, especialmente em países com maior desigualdade social, como o Brasil.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 32(4): e2023128, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528583


ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics and survival of individuals with severe acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID-19 according to the COVID-19 vaccination schedule, Brazil, 2021-2022. Methods This was a cohort study based on data from the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System; the Kaplan-Meier and Survival Tree methods were used to analyze survival. Results Among the 559,866 hospitalized cases, a higher proportion of vaccinated individuals was found among female (15.0%), elderly people aged ≥ 80 (34.5%), people from the Southeast region (15.7%), those who did not undergo respiratory support (21.2%) and those who did progress to death (15.2%); the survival curve showed that risk of death for unvaccinated individuals was higher in all age groups (p-value < 0.001); elderly people aged ≥ 80, who did not undergo mechanical ventilation and who had a booster dose had lower risk when compared to their peers who had two doses or were unvaccinated (hazard ratio = 0.64; 95%CI 0.62;0.67). Conclusion Lowest risk of death was found in vaccinated individuals, especially those who had two doses or a booster dose as well.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar las características clínicas, sociodemográficas y supervivencia de individuos con síndrome respiratoria aguda grave por COVID-19, según el esquema de vacunación contra COVID-19, Brasil, 2021-2022. Métodos Estudio de cohorte con datos del Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica de la Gripe; se utilizó el método de Kaplan-Meier y el árbol de supervivencia para analizar la supervivencia. Resultados Entre los 559.866 casos hospitalizados, se observó una mayor proporción de vacunados entre el sexo femenino (15,0%), ancianos ≥ 80 (34,5%), región Sudeste (15,7%), quienes no recibieron soporte ventilatorio (21,2%) y no fallecidos (15,2%); la curva de supervivencia mostró que los no inmunizados presentaron un mayor riesgo de óbito en todos los grupos de edad (p-valor < 0,001); los ancianos ≥ 80, que no recibieron ventilación mecánica, con dosis de refuerzo, tienen un menor riesgo en comparación con sus pares con dos dosis o no vacunados (HR = 0,64; IC95% 0,62;0,67). Conclusión El menor riesgo de óbito se observó en individuos vacunados, especialmente aquellos con dos dosis o refuerzo.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar as características clínicas e sociodemográficas e a sobrevida de indivíduos com síndrome respiratória aguda grave por covid-19, segundo esquema vacinal contra covid-19, Brasil, 2021-2022. Métodos Estudo de coorte, com dados do Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe; métodos de Kaplan-Meier e árvore de sobrevivência foram utilizados para analisar a sobrevida. Resultados Dos 559.866 casos internados, observou-se maior proporção de vacinados entre sexo feminino (15,0%), idosos ≥ 80 anos (34,5%), na região Sudeste (15,7%), entre os que não receberam suporte ventilatório (21,2%) e os não evoluídos a óbito (15,2%); na curva de sobrevida, não imunizados apresentaram maior risco de óbito, independentemente da faixa etária (p-valor < 0,001); idosos que não realizaram ventilação mecânica, com dose de reforço, apresentaram menor risco, comparados a seus pares com duas doses ou não imunizados (hazard ratio = 0,64; IC95% 0,62;0,67). Conclusão Observou-se menor risco de ocorrência de óbito nos indivíduos vacinados, especialmente com duas doses ou reforço.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526217


Objetivos: avaliar o impacto de variáveis clínicas e tumorais sobre a sobrevida global e a sobrevida livre da doença em pacientes com câncer colorretal atendidos em um hospital especializado em oncologia, em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo com análise do registro hospitalar de câncer e de prontuários de pacientes com câncer colorretal tratados entre 2015 e 2016, com acompanhamento até janeiro de 2022. A curva de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de Cox, com apresentação do RR e IC95%, foram empregados nas análises. Resultados: foram incluídos no estudo 235 pacientes, dos quais 126 (53,6%) eram do sexo masculino, 204 (86,8%) tinham idade igual ou superior a 50 anos ao diagnóstico e 125 (53,2%) receberam inicialmente o diagnóstico de tumor de cólon. O risco de morte e de recorrência foram maiores em pacientes com estadiamento IV (RR = 2,77; IC95% = 1,57-3,85 e RR = 3,98; IC95% = 1,15-13,79), tumor no reto (RR = 2,04; IC95% = 1,24-3,38 e RR= 2,25; IC95% = 1,40-3,60) e metástase nos linfonodos regionais (RR = 2,26; IC95% = 1,27-4,03 e RR = 2,15; IC95% = 1,24-3,73). O risco de óbito foi elevado em idosos com Índice de Massa Corporal de baixo peso (RR = 3,5; IC95% = 0,9-75). Conclusões: no momento do diagnóstico, fatores tumorais como estadiamento avançado, tumor no reto e a presença de metástase são importantes preditores de mortalidade e recidiva do câncer colorretal, além disso, indicam o Índice de Massa Corporal como potencial variável de pior prognóstico na população idosa com câncer colorretal

Aims: to evaluate the impact of clinical and tumor variables on overall survival and disease-free survival in patients with colorectal cancer treated at a specialized oncology hospital in Curitiba, Paraná. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was carried out with analysis of the câncer hospital registry and medical records of patients with colorectal cancer treated between 2015 and 2016, with follow-up until January 2022. The Kaplan-Meier curve and the Cox model, with presentation of the Hazard Ratio (HR) and confidence interval 95% (95%CI), were used in the analyses. Results: 235 patients were included in the study, 126 (53.6%) males, 204 (86.8%) aged at diagnosis equal to or greater than 50 years and 125 (53.2%) with the initial diagnosis of tumor of colon. The risk of death and recurrence were higher in patients with stage IV (HR = 2.77; 95%CI = 1.57-3.85 and HR = 3.98; 95%CI = 1.15-13.79), tumor in the rectum (HR = 2.04; 95%CI = 1.24-3.38 and HR = 2.25; 95%CI = 1.40-3.60) and regional lymph node metastasis (HR = 2.26; 95%CI = 1.27-4.03 and HR = 2.15; 95%CI = 1.24-3.73). In addition, the risk of death was high in elderly with low weight Body Mass Index (HR =3.5; 95%CI = 0.9-75). Conclusions: at the time of diagnosis, tumor factors such as advanced staging, tumor in the rectum and the presence of metastasis are important predictors of mortality and recurrence of colorectal cancer, in addition, they indicate Body Mass Index as a potential variable of worse prognosis in the elderly population with colorectal cancer

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Survival , Mortality